Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds or sunflower seeds are taken from the fruit of the sunflower. There are ...


A plant species belonging to the legume family. Soy is classified as an oilseed and ...


Sorghum is the most versatile grain, and is used in human and animal nutrition, and ...


Sesame is an oil crop and has been used as food and fat since ancient ...

Pigeon peas

Pigeon peas are considered one of the most important food grains. They have a number ...


It is a type of legume, and it is eaten in the form of raw, ...


Millet is a small yellow grain, which may improve the general health of the body ...

livestock (grace feeding)

Sudan is considered one of the richest Arab and African countries in animal wealth, and ...

Hibiscus flower

It is a plant with a picturesque landscape, with large flowers of dark blue, purple, ...

fresh meat (grace feeding)

Sudan is considered one of the richest Arab and African countries in animal wealth, and ...


Sudan has gained extensive experience in the field of cotton cultivation due to its entry ...


Chickpeas are a source of many useful nutrients, as it is a rich source of ...


Baobab The most common name in the world is baobab. It is also known in ...

Arabic gum

Arabic gum is a natural gum that consists of the solid sap of different species ...

animal feed

Sudan is characterized by fertile soil, which helps to grow the best types of forage ...

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